Students from Paipeli Primary School welcome IOM visit. Photo: IOM.

Tari – In 1997, Henry Tendele was a student at Hamboli Primary School, located in what is now Hela Province. That year, a tribal fight began and continued for another 14 years.  

“During those 14 years, the whole community was affected,” Henry told the International Organization for Migration (IOM). “No education, no access to hospitals, no peace. Everyone here was displaced.” 


After many years of disruption, IOM has been working with the Paipeli community to bring local children back to the classroom. With funding from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF), a new school was successfully built. 

“IOM and UNPBF came, and they gave us this classroom,” Jukari Tawai, chairman of the new school, shared. “We are currently teaching grades 1 and 2. We have one teacher and 150 students, [but] I dream of upgrading this school to a primary school. I want to have grades 1 to 6 here.” 

The expansion will enable local children to complete their education closer to home. Moreover, Jukari plans to build a teacher's house and hire more staff, providing opportunities for local graduates.

The new school in Paipeli currently has one teacher for 150 students, with plans to build a teacher’s house and expand to include grades 1 to 6. Photo: IOM.


In addition to primary education, IOM has been working with young people in Paipeli to cultivate the skills of youth in implementing local-led initiatives.  

“The youth here now have a certified group,” said Tara Hewali, a student representative in Paipeli. “We have the materials to conduct awareness activities on topics such as reforestation, cleaning up our community and helping our mothers.” 

The youth have received training in community-based planning, including climate change adaptation, from IOM through funding from the UNPBF.


Henry Tendele is currently serving as a youth representative in Paipeli. Having first witnessed the tribal conflict in 1997, he now sees families returning to their homes. 

“Because of IOM and the trainings we have received, people are slowly coming back here,” he said. “In the training, I learned a lot about peace, village courts and development. I was able to bring valuable knowledge back to my community.” 

“Because of IOM, the place has changed,” Henry added. 

Henry Tendele, a youth representative in Paipeli, reflects on changes happening to the community through IOM-led initiatives. Photo: IOM.

The work of IOM and the UNPBF, including training implementation and construction projects, is made possible through the commitment of the people affected by tribal violence. The determination of individuals like Henry, Jukari and Tara is fundamental to securing and sustaining a peaceful future for all in Paipeli. 

"We did a lot for peace,” Henry said. “Now, we are at peace.” 

SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions