Through its Immigration and Border Management (IBM) Division, IOM supports Member States in improving the policy, legislation, operational systems, human resources and administrative and technical structures required to respond more effectively to diverse migration and border management challenges. Immigration and Border Management (IBM) activities are in line with IOM’s commitment to facilitate orderly, safe and regular migration and mobility.

IBM activities are designed as partnerships with governments and other relevant interlocutors to identify needs, determine priority areas, and shape and deliver interventions. The IBM team's activities are continuously evolving to meet new migration challenges on the national, regional and international level. During 2018, expenditures for IBM projects worldwide reached approximately 125 million USD, with several hundred IOM experts and support staff active in the IBM field around the globe.

There are two distinct and complementary portfolios within IBM: Border and Identity Solutions (BIS) and Immigration and Visas (IV). In addition, the IBM team is in charge of facilitating and co-leading a number of organizational cross-thematic initiatives, notably the responsible and ethical use of biometrics, programming related to Counter Terrorism/Counter Violent Extremism (CT/CVE), IOM’s African Capacity Building Center for Migration and Border Management (ACBC) in Moshi, United Republic of Tanzania, and IOM’s upcoming flagship training programme the “Essentials in Migration Management 2.0 (emm2.0)”.