IOM has developed a body of policies and frameworks that inform its work at global, regional and country levels and aligns it with key global and inter-agency instruments that promote a principled and accountable foundation for IOM’s role in humanitarian and development contexts. This page compiles some of these elements that are particularly relevant to the Asia Pacific region.


The Migration Governance Framework (MIGOF)

The IOM Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF) sets out a structure in which States and IOM can collectively work to address migration issues. It provides a comprehensive and informed approach with which migration stakeholders can effectively identify the essential components for facilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people through planned and well-managed migration policies. The MiGOF emphasizes the advancement of the socioeconomic well-being of migrants and society; underlines the importance of effective responses to the mobility dimensions of crises; and highlights that migration should take place in a safe, orderly and dignified manner. The MiGOF further guides IOM’s work in capacity building, policy advice, planning and reporting. 

The Migration Crisis Operational Framework (MCOF)

The Migration Crisis Operational Framework (MCOF) anchors IOM’s approach to crisis response. It sets out the overall basis for policy-level work, and underlines IOM’s other crisis-related policies, frameworks or tools that are developed to strengthen specific aspects of IOM’s response (specific themes and contexts, for different population groups, or supporting operational modalities). MCOF can also be used as a tool for strategic planning and contextual analysis. The scope of MCOF draws on humanitarian, peacebuilding, transition, recovery and development activities and migration management services. The strategic qualities of MCOF are that it is comprehensive, inclusive and holistic. It sets out 15 sectors of assistance that should be considered for their relevance to all affected or potentially dis- placed populations and vulnerable mobile groups, regardless of their migration status all across the crisis spectrum. This is applicable before (at-risk, prevention, risk reduction, preparedness), during (humanitarian responses, mitigating impacts of protracted crisis), and after (transition, recovery) migration crises. Fundamentally, the sequential focus of before, during and after should be used to ensure programmatic continuity and coherence across what is often referred to as the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. 

Humanitarian Policy

IOM is among the largest organizations providing humanitarian assistance. IOM Council endorsed the IOM Humanitarian Policy—Principles for Humanitarian Action (PHA) in November 2015. The policy spells out IOM’s role and responsibilities in humanitarian contexts, reaffirms the Organization’s commitments to key humanitarian principles, and lays out the key elements of humanitarian protection, partnership and accountability. It articulates the principles that IOM and implementing partners must adhere to in the delivery of humanitarian protection and assistance. Reaffirming the principle of HUMANITY, IOM’s priority is to alleviate human suffering and preserve human dignity. Upholding IMPARTIALITY, IOM strives to be strictly non-partisan in its humanitarian action. Respecting NEUTRALITY, IOM does not take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of an ideological, religious, racial or political nature. Emphasizing INDEPENDENCE, IOM is committed to re- main independent of the political, financial or other objectives that any others may have in areas where humanitarian action is being implemented to ensure that programmatic responses are based on evidence and independent analysis. 

Protection Mainstreaming

The ‘Guidance Note on how to mainstream protection across IOM crisis response (or the Migration Crisis Operational Framework sectors of assistance)’ was issued in 2016. The guidance note outlines the responsibility of all IOM staff involved in integrating protection in the design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of responses before, during and after crises. Its guidance aims to: minimize unintended negative consequences throughout the project cycle; prioritize safety and dignity of affected individuals and communities; ensure meaningful access to aid and services without discrimination; and foster participation and empowerment. It was developed in line with the Protection Policy of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), Protection cluster, humanitarian and other standards and newly developed tools.