TEAM2 program results will be updated in line with targets on an annual basis and after conclusion of the reporting period. Results featured here are a simplified summary of some key standardized indicators across TEAM2. Please note that not all results collected by the program are featured here, and rather this is meant to provide an overview.

Total # of TB cases found in Y1 & Y2 through SRs and NTPs: 9,091

Country-Level Targets: 

  Y1 Target Y1 Achievement Y2 Target Y2 Achievement Y3 Target
# of TB cases (all forms) notified among key affected populations 2022: 235 136 2023: 264 157 2024: 300
Treatment Success Rate % 2022: 85.11% 60.06% 2023: 87.12% 93.38% 2024: 90%
# of TB cases (all forms) notified among key affected populations 2022: 4,570 3,190 2023: 4,794 3,876 2024: 4,922
Treatment Success Rate % 2022: 84.99% 80.83% 2023: 87.34% 77.96% 2024: 89.66%
# of TB cases (all forms) notified among key affected populations 2022: 402 391 2023: 425 499 2024: 441
Treatment Success Rate % 2022: 85.07% 91.34% 2023: 87.76% 83.60% 2024: 89.34%
Viet Nam
# of TB cases (all forms) notified among key affected populations 2022: 80 22 2023: 84 256 2024: 89
Treatment Success Rate % 2022: 85% 9.09% 2023: 88.1% 43.75% 2024: 89.89%
Laos PDR
# of TB cases (all forms) notified among key affected populations 2022: 236 228 2023: 248 319 2024: 261
Treatment Success Rate % 2022: 85.17% 44.74% 2023: 87.9% 77.55% 2024: 90.4%


Sub-Recipient/Implementing Partner Targets: 

Please note that SR/IP targets feed into country-level data, and will be updated in line with targets on an annual basis, with results featured here as a summary of some key standardized indicators across TEAM2 programming and does not reflect the full program’s activities.

  Y1 Target Y1 Achievement Y2 Target Y2 Achievement Y3 Target
IOM Cambodia
# migrants/target populations screened for TB symptoms 2022: 2,000 2,500 2023: 1,500 1,598 2024: 500
# migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 2,000 2,635 2023: 1,500 1,695 2024: 500
# of TB cases (all forms) 2022: 200 136 2023: 150 157 2024:  50
National TB Program (CENAT), Cambodia 
# of TB cases (all forms) 2022: 71 (no data submitted) 2023: 85 (no data submitted) 2024: 100
Treatment success rate of all forms of TB (%) 2022: 85.11% (no data submitted) 2023: 87.12% (no data submitted) 2024: 90%
Laos PDR: "Dept. of Planning and Cooperation (DPC), Ministry of Health*
*The SR for Lao is Ministry of Health/NTP, however they have 2 SSRs
who are supporting implementing activities (CHIA and PEDA)"
# migrants/target populations screened for TB symptoms 2022: 7,200 3,154 2023: 9,600 3,797 2024: 9,600
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 7,200 6,778 2023: 9,600 7,516 2024: 9,600
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 236 228 2022: 248 319 2022: 261
Myanmar: Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU) Myanmar
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 62 139 2023: 200 154 2024: 65
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: No targets set 1,802 2023: No targets set 1,937 2024: No targets set:
Myanmar: World Vision International- Myanmar (WVIM)
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 960 10,833 2023: 960 14,730 2024: 960
# migrants/target populations having CXR 2022: 700 651 2023: 800 877 2024: 800
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 140 156 2023: 160 208
2024: 160
Myanmar: American Refugee Committee (ARC)
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 2,000 1,872 2023: 2,000 2,135 2024: 2,000
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 62 96 2023: 65 137
2024: 65
Thailand: World Vision Foundation of Thailand (WVFT)
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 15,900 8,094 2023: 20,949 18,429 2024: 22,000
# migrants/target populations having CXR 2022: 1,115 362 2023: 1,800 974 2024: 1,910
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 101 54 2023: 147 79 2024: 162
Thailand: Shoklo Malaria Research Unit, Mahidol University, (SMRU)
# migrants/target populations screened for TB symptoms 2022: 1,000 2,612 2023: 1,200 2,273 2024: 1,200
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 2,000 2,612 2023: 2,000 2,273 2024: 2,000
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 20 17 2023: 23 11 2024: 23
Thailand: Service Workers in Groups Foundation (SWING)
# migrants/target populations screened for TB symptoms 2022: 1,000 1,457 2023: 1,200 2,293 2024: 1,200
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 1,400 1,497 2023: 1,400 2,293 2024: 1,400
# migrants/target populations having CXR 2022: 240 123 2023: 240 212 2024: 240
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 6 2 2023: 6 0 2024: 6
IOM Thailand
# migrants/target populations screened for TB symptoms 2022: 5,250 4,581 2023: 3,500 4,839 0
# of migrants/target populations reached with health education 2022: 5,250 4,969 2023: 3,500 11,122 0
# migrants/target populations having CXR 2022: 1,050 4,581 2023: 700 4,787 0
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 9 35 2023: 6 26 0
Viet Nam: National Lung Hospital (NTP VN)
# migrants/target populations screened for TB symptoms 2022: 16,000 0 2023: 16,000 25,513 2024: 16,000
# TB cases (all forms) 2022: 80 22 2023: 84 256 2024: 89


The following SRs over the course of the 3 year project are aiming to: 

IOM Viet Nam

  • IOM VN is providing support to the development of a cross-border referral system for TB patients  in An Giang and Tay Ninh.
  • Strengthen partnerships among health care providers in the project provinces by establishing local TB/HIV taskforces.

Dream Developments (Dreamlopments)     

  • Dreamlopments is working to improve health insurance coverage for migrants and cross-border populations in Myanmar and Cambodia University of Oslo UoO is establishing a regional data enabling cross-border referal of migrant TB patients that is linked to national systems.   

Principal Recipient (PR), IOM Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific    

  • IOM as PR is organizing a tri-partite series of Policy Dialogues to support establishing a TB Regional Policy Framework