By their very nature, crises are never confined to a singular, short-term event. Consequently, support through a crisis cannot be short-term either, which is why transition and recovery efforts include a range of programs that extend support to communities through their transition from crisis to post-crisis and onward. These programs aim to work with and support governments, States and communities as they undergo socioeconomic and political changes in the aftermath of a crisis.  

IOM transition and recovery are community-based and function concretely to (re-)establish stability and security and prevent further forced migration. They also function more abstractly to restore trust among community members, vulnerable populations and local authorities and to build accountability. The two sets of functions together lay the foundations for durable solutions, lasting peace and sustainable development in the aftermath of a crisis. This page compiles some of these elements that are particularly relevant to the Asia Pacific region.

Durable Solutions

While, traditionally, durable solutions for IDPs are seen as achieved through sustainable 1) reintegration, 2) local integration or 3) relocation/resettlement, IOM recognizes much-needed incremental approaches to durable solutions that focus on identification and mitigation of potential risks and reinforcing mobility opportunities. IOM’s Progressive Resolution to Displacement Situations (PRDS) provides a framework to mitigate the impacts of displacement while addressing root causes, which aligns with local, national and international durable solutions instruments. The PRDS emphasizes the centrality of mobility and protection and outlines four programmatic areas of intervention: protection, safety and security; adequate standard of living; sustainable livelihoods and employment; and inclusive governance.

Community Stabilization

Community Stabilization programs aim to create conditions for the recovery of normal social, economic, and political life by contributing to the restoration of basic rights and security, and promoting social cohesion, functioning state governance, non-violent political processes, effective social policy, livelihoods and service delivery. These projects work across multiple sectors to achieve broader stability and stress flexibility towards evolving needs. Corresponding activities include: restoring and delivering essential services, reconstruction, rehabilitation of community infrastructure, early recovery activities, strengthening local governance, economic and livelihood recovery, community empowerment and information campaigns. IOM takes a community-centred approach––working closely with local government and community leaders—to address the root causes and longer-term consequences of crises. 


Peacebuilding programming contributes to preventing and resolving conflict and supports sustainable peace and reintegration. Responses focus on understanding root causes of conflict, managing potential conflict triggers and addressing the social, economic, resource and/or political dynamics that drive conflict. Specific attention is paid to gender and youth, as well as incorporating thematic work in human rights and protection, land, property and restitution, transitional justice, health, psychosocial support and livelihoods. IOM’s peacebuilding toolbox is comprised of several distinct sub-sets, including support for community-based conflict management and reconciliation processes: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, Preventing Violent Extremism, Community Violence Reduction, Community Policing and Security Sector Reform, and Elections Support. 

Land, Property and Reparations (LPR)

IOM LPR programming covers two main, often interlinked streams: land and property issues, and reparations for human rights violations. It promotes the development and implementation of policies and mechanisms for addressing various types of rights violations, thereby facilitating solutions to displacement, social cohesion and development. LPR contributes to protection, supports the prevention and response, and complements the transition and recovery activities of the department. IOM provides technical assistance and capacity building on due diligence standards, awareness raising and dispute resolution mechanisms, as well as development of land and property compensation policies.