
Nepal Launches Forum on Migration and Development to Enhance Labour Migration Governance

Honourable Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Mr. Sharat Singh Bhandari addresses the Inaugural Session. 

Attendees: Participants attentively listen to the thematic discussion. 

Attendees: Participants attentively listen to the thematic discussion. 

Kathmandu, Nepal – The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched the Nepal Forum on Migration and Development (NFMD) on 30 August 2024. This initiative aimed at supporting Nepal’s commitment to ensuring safe, orderly and regular migration, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and Nepal's role as a Champion Country of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). 

The NFMD is designed to serve as a dynamic, multi-stakeholder platform that encourages dialogue, collaboration and actionable outcomes related to migration and development. Led by the MoLESS and supported by IOM, the Forum brings together government officials, international organizations, development partners, civil society, academics and private sector stakeholders to address the complexities of migration in Nepal. 

The first theme of the NFMD was Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements (BLMA) and Nepal. In the opening remarks, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Sharat Singh Bhandari, highlighted the need to identify gaps in the existing policies, apply best practices to protect the rights of migrant workers, and formulate plans to expand Nepal’s BLMAs. 

IOM Nepal Chief of Mission, Helene Fors, reinforced the significance of the recent government approval of the National Implementation Strategic Framework for the GCM. This milestone aligns Nepal’s policies with global standards and echoes the goals of Nepal's 16th Periodic Plan, which prioritizes the expansion of BLMAs to better protect the rights of migrant workers and improve their opportunities abroad. 

In the first thematic discussion, participants had an in-depth discussion on the current BLMAs, exploring the challenges and identifying new avenues that would allow these agreements to further safeguard the rights and welfare of migrant workers.  

With a significant number of its citizens working abroad, Nepal has established BLMAs with 12 countries. The 16th Periodic Plan of Nepal (2024/25-2028/29) aims to extend these agreements to 16 countries, reinforcing Nepal’s ongoing dedication to enhancing labour migration governance as a Champion Country of the GCM. 

Additionally, the Forum featured a presentation by Elizabeth Warn, Head of the Labour Mobility Division at IOM Headquarters, who shared insights on the guidance for BLMAs developed by the UN Network on Migration. 

The Forum concluded with a productive discussion and feedback session on standardizing BLMA templates to ensure consistency and effectiveness in future agreements. 

The NFMD thematic discussion on BLMAs was made possible through the project “Enhancing Migration Governance in Nepal: A Collaborative Approach for Strengthening Coordination Mechanism and Knowledge Management (ENGIN),” supported by GiZ. 

As Nepal continues to build on its role as a Champion Country of the GCM, the NFMD will serve as a pivotal platform in advancing the country’s migration and development agenda. The NFMD will continue to organize several thematic dialogues and engage with the wider stakeholders on both governmental and societal levels. 


For more information, please contact: Prajwal Sharma at  


SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals