
USAID Supports IOM's Efforts to Assist Landslide-Affected Communities in Papua New Guinea

Essential aid materials provided by USAID for landslide-affected communities in Papua New Guinea, distributed by IOM to support displaced families during their recovery. © IOM-PNG

Port Moresby – Following the massive landslide that struck Enga Province, Papua New Guinea on 24 May, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working closely with displaced communities and the Enga Provincial Disaster Response Team to identify the most vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities, elderly individuals and women-headed households. This collaboration has been crucial in rationing food and NFIs prioritizing those most in need. 

The landslide caused significant damage and fatalities, impacting approximately 7,849 individuals from 1,427 households. According to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix, 1,650 individuals from 315 households have been displaced. Through generous financial support from the United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), IOM has successfully distributed food rations to 600 households, reaching 2,900 displaced people.  

"Losing my home and my 18-year-old son in the landslide is too much to bear as a single mother. Now, as we rely on the kindness of friends, the support provided by USAID through IOM in this challenging time has been a lifeline," expressed Siol Tuli, an internally displaced mother of three from the Yambali community. Her words resonate deeply with the community of survivors gathered at the Mulitaka care centre, where IOM continues to provide critical assistance. 

The food ration provided by IOM includes essential items to sustain families for up to one month. In total, IOM distributed 40.34 tonnes of rice, 2,400 litres of cooking oil, 5.49 tonnes of tinned fish, 1.373 tonnes of sugar and 0.458 tonnes of iodized salt. 

Pastor Ben Red of the Christian Apostolic Fellowship shared his perspective on the collaboration, "As our local church offers spiritual solace to the displaced, witnessing the swift response of IOM in delivering essential items like food and non-food items fills me with gratitude and hope."  

With financial support from USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), IOM successfully distributed 250 non-food items (NFIs) and 250 shelter kits to those displaced by the landslide. The NFIs, including essential items such as kitchen sets, blankets, mats, soaps, Jerry cans, kitting bags, and basic shelter tools, provided crucial support to the affected families. In response to a request from the Enga Provincial Administration, IOM also facilitated the transportation of NFIs donated by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Australian Government. These donations were distributed alongside IOM's supplies, ensuring comprehensive aid to the displaced individuals. 

"IOM has been part of the response efforts from the very beginning thanks to the generous financial assistance of USAID-BHA. This support enables the delivery of essential items to the people who need them. Additionally, it contributes to the overall collective efforts by making it possible for IOM to provide logistics and distribution support to other donors and friends of PNG," said Serhan Aktoprak, Chief of Mission, IOM- Papua New Guinea. 

IOM is dispatching food items to an additional 200 households, ensuring they have enough supplies for one month. The organization remains committed to providing comprehensive assistance to landslide-affected communities in Enga province. This means not only distributing food, Non-food items, and shelter kits but also offering technical support in Camp Coordination and MP coordination to better coordinate assistance targeting persons displaced to the care centre.  

IOM will continue to collaborate closely with local authorities and partners to meet the ongoing needs of those affected by the disaster. 

For further information, please contact IOM Port Moresby, Peter Murorera, Tel: +675 321 36 55, Email: or Anne Mandal, Tel: +675 72026763, Email:

SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals