
Vanuatu Enhances Safe Migration with New Border Management Information System “MIDAS”

(left to right) The Immigration Director, Japanese Ambassador, Minister of Internal Affairs, ANZ Bank CEO, IOM Head of Office and Director General of Internal Affairs jointly celebrated the launch of MIDAS and eVisa.

The Minister of Internal Affairs Honorable Johnny Koanapo, giving a speech to officiate the launch of MIDAS and eVisa.  

The Ambassador of Japan to Vanuatu, His Excellency Naohisa Okuda, giving a speech.  

The Visa Manager, Mr. Moses Namak, introducing a new eVisa website.  

Multiple government and UN agencies, diplomatic missions, NGOs and private sector representatives attending the MIDAS launching ceremony at the VIP Lounge of Port Vila International Airport  

Port Vila, Vanuatu – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in partnership with the Government of Vanuatu and Japan officially launched the new border management information system ‘Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS)’ and eVisa website on 17 June 2024 at Port Vila International Airport.  

Funded and implemented by the Government of Vanuatu, MIDAS has been deployed at Port Vila International Airport. The Government of Japan then provided additional support to expand MIDAS at three more points of entry - Port Vila seaport, Santo International Airport and Santo seaport.  

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Honorable Johnny Koanapo said during the launching, “Border management is a top priority for our government, as we recognize the critical importance of protecting our borders and maintaining the safety and security of our nation. That is why we took the initiative to self-fund the pilot phase of MIDAS, knowing that it will play a crucial role in achieving our goal of bolstering border management capabilities.” 

Japan also contributed to the sustainability of MIDAS operations through the building of MIDAS Training Room and the new immigration office at Port Vila seaport. The infrastructure activity was implemented in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  

"The Government of Vanuatu’s financial and human resources contribution to the successful launching today proved that the MIDAS Pilot Project is a true government-led process in the developing countries. Japan is extremely impressed with the efforts of the Government, which has shown strong leadership and actively engaged in all phases of implementation with the IOM", said the Ambassador of Japan to Vanuatu, His Excellency Naohisa OKUDA. 

In addition to the launch of MIDAS, the Government of Vanuatu has implemented the eVisa system to further enhance the country's border management. The eVisa will simplify the visa application process, reduce processing times, and improve overall efficiency for travellers wishing to visit Vanuatu. 

Carl Adams, IOM Vanuatu Head of Office added, “The integration of Department of Labour’s work permit issuance system into eVisa increases the efficiency of this key government service.” Adams noted that the launch of eVisa will create ease of doing business for both travellers and government authorities and facilitate safe and orderly labour migration. 

The successful rollout of the MIDAS and eVisa systems is a testament to the commitment and dedication of the Vanuatu Government and its partners. Through collaboration with the Government of Japan, Vanuatu has been able to implement advanced technologies that will benefit both the Government and its citizens for years to come. 

The official launch event marks a significant milestone in achieving its integrated border management strategy. Government officials, international partners, and stakeholders came together to celebrate this achievement and showcase the advancements made in immigration services. 


For more information, please contact Carl Adams, IOM Vanuatu Head of Office. Email:  

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals